Though sounds easy, installing a water heater is not an easy task. Serious consequences might result if installing goes wrong while performing a DIY job. Just as a lawyer is required to fight a case in a court, or a doctor to diagnose the disease, similarly, reputed Plumber in Pittsburgh or professional plumbers are required to install a water heater. Many water heaters are available in the market today such as gas water heater, electric water heater, which is further classified into the tank and tankless electric water heater, gas tank and tankless water heater. A silly mistake can cause huge expenses in terms of damage and destruction to life and property. Training and technique : A professional plumber is called upon because; he has proper training and installation knowledge to ease out the work. Salespeople are sometimes mistaken as professional plumbers, however giving due respect to their work, they are not professional plumbers with exact knowledge and license, at...